carla bley

Carla Bley (born Lovella May Borg; May 11, 1936) is an American jazz composer, pianist, organist and bandleader. An important figure in the free jazz movement of the 1960s, she is perhaps best known for her jazz opera Escalator over the Hill (released as a triple LP set), as well as a book of compositions that have been performed by many other artists, including Gary Burton, Jimmy Giuffre, George Russell, Art Farmer, John Scofield and her ex-husband Paul Bley.

Carla Bley, née Lovella May Borg, 11 mai 1936 est une pianiste, organiste et compositrice de jazz américaine.
Carla Bley, musicienne au style assez inclassable est une figure importante du jazz post-bop. Elle a, par ailleurs, travaillé avec des artistes du monde de la pop (Linda Ronstadt…) ou du rock (Jack Bruce, Robert Wyatt, Nick Mason, etc.).
Son œuvre la plus connue est l'opéra jazz The Escalator Over the Hill.
Carla Bley est la mère de la pianiste Karen Mantler (en) (née en 1966, fille du trompettiste Michael Mantler).