bill dixon

William Robert Dixon (October 5, 1925 – June 16, 2010) was an American composer and educator. Dixon was one of the seminal figures in free jazz and late twentieth-century contemporary music. His was also a prominent activist for artist’s rights and African American music tradition. He played the trumpet, flugelhorn, and piano, often using electronic delay and reverb.

20.11.1994, Bill Dixon, vor dem Soundcheck im Saal des "Haus der Kulturen der Welt" , Tony Oxley Celebration Orchestra, feat. special guest Bill Dixon, Trumpet, Fluegelhorn, tp, 241295, Dixon, Bill, HdKdW, JazzFest Berlin 1994, (c) Detlev Schilke/ - Photographie copyright (c) Detlev Schilke / , Postfach 35 08 02 , 10217 Berlin , Germany , Mobile/Cell.: +49 (0)170 3110119 , Mail: , Bank-Account: P o s t b a n k Berlin , Kto.: 970 880 101 , BLZ: 100 100 10 , IBAN: DE08 1001 0010 0970 8801 01 , BIC: PBNKDEFF , VAT-No./USt.-ID: DE160478504 - 7% USt. , Jegliche Nutzung des Fotos nur gegen Honorar laut MFM, Urhebervermerk und Belegexemplare! Verwendung des Bildes ausserhalb journalistischer Nutzung bedarf besonderer Vereinbarung. Only editorial use, advertising after agreement! Kein schriftliches Modelrelease vorhanden! No Modelrelease! No Property Release! , Details at: